Letters From African America
You Are The Genre
[Grant Lindahl] Is The Genre

[Grant Lindahl] Is The Genre

How Barney the dinosaur and the acting bug paved the way for Grant Lindahl's animation career.

Tim Barnes chats with comedy writer/animation director Grant Lindahl (Comedy Central’s Tales From The Trip) about growing up in a military family and moving from an Appalachian farming town to the coasts of New York City and L.A. in pursuit of a life in comedy and animation.

Along with developing animations for Comedy Central Grant has also written for the award winning comedy series “Mini Mocks, That’s an App?, and As scene on CC.”  

He is also the host of the Comedy Central Twitch live stream “Tales from the Stream.” Where he interviews comedians and draws their picture.

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Letters From African America
You Are The Genre
Mapping the path toward your own genre. Hosted by Tim Barnes.