this one hits hard -_-

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perhaps it's solved somewhere in the multiverse

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That's nice to think about. Definitely not in this one. In this world we're still conditioned to feel some kind of way when new black folk are introduced in the corporate structure. Friend or foe...and then...ultimately it doesn't matter either way because the corporate structure does its best to rob its employees of the kind of agency that might destabilize its machinations. Some of the most heartbreaking experiences I've had are those where the kinship is lost because of fundamental disagreements over governance (some unbearable "tomming" happens when the allegiance is to the employer, working invariably with diversity quotas blah blah blah).

Anyway, even in this world, we find each other anywhere and everywhere and, at best, make a friend and ally. But I still think the intrinsic love we have for each other has a greater chance of survival and expression when we find each other outside of these corporate/social structures.

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I think you'll get a kick out of this old (hard to find) Tom Floyd comic. Definitely part of the inspiration for this "Uncertain Life" issue. https://www.abebooks.com/9780533111220/Integration-A...Bitch-Floyd-Tom-0533111226/plp

I found some digital pages of it years ago and it blew me away. So ahead of its time yet so timely for its era.

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This is wild. I'm tempted to find a copy.

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